Monday, sees us all gradually getting over coughs, sneezes, phlegm and general lethargy and indolence. The effects of the vaccine / virus are quite pervasive. In the news, it seems there is lots of consternation about the impact and residual effects of the vaccine rollout. Expert opinion also seems to have fragmented into various factions. Ivermectin & Hydroxychloroquine have polarized opinions within the medical fraternity & conspiracy theories abound.  

The £ is up to 1.180600 this morning, a reflection perhaps, of the strength of the UK economy and GB’s successful rollout of the Astra Zeneca vaccine.  

Monday 22.08.21 The paintwork goes on, notwithstanding at a significantly reduced pace. The ground floor ceiling is now finished.

After a couple of warm days in which, I grabbed some time sun bathing in the garden, it has now turned quite cold again. Looks like we will be headed out to Port MacQuarie at the end of the month, as the consensus view is that painting may continue at a much more measured and leisurely pace by Dom, George, Thór & Amelie.

The situation in NSW is dire with respect to Covid19, as the premiere has tightened down substantially on mobility, congregating and the social diaspora. The focus is annoyingly, always on cases and bizarrely, not deaths which would have much more resonance with respect to the public’s perception of how bad things are.